Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Ask my friends what my passion is & invariably they'll say it has something to do with electronics. True. But ask people who know me very very well what my true passion is & they'll say it is pissing away money on mobile phones! True again. I was given my first mobile phone when I joined college in 2001 & seven years down the line, it has become a favourite pass time of mine to keep changing mobile phones. Not that wasting money was/is a dream of mine, but somehow, the urge to explore new trends in telephony has gotten the better of me!

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine, when she asked me if I knew how many phones I have owned over the past 7 years. It was an interesting question & I decided to catalogue the entire list.

The phones are in order of ownership to the best of my knowledge. All those who kept advising me to get myself checked at a psychiatrist's, please do help if I have missed/misplaced something.

Here goes!!

01. Nokia 3310

02. Nokia 3315

03. Nokia 5210

04. Nokia 8250

05. Nokia 6510

06. Nokia 6100

07. Nokia 8910i

08. Nokia 6600

09. Nokia 6020

10. SE T310i

11. SE T610i

12. SE 6230i

13. SE K700i

14. Nokia 8800

15. Samsung D500i

16. Samsung D800i

17. Motorazr V3

18. SE J210i

19. SE K750i

20. SE W800i

21. SE W550i

22. SE W810i

23. N70

24. N73

25.SE K510i

26. SE W700i

27. SE K790i

28. SE W300i

29. SE Z710i

30. SE W710i

31. O2 Atom Exec

32. Samsung U600i

33. Moto SLVR L7

34. SE Z750i

35. Samsung D900i

36. SE W880i

37. SE W830i

38. SE K550i

39. SE P990i

40. SE W610i

41. SE W580i

42. SE K810i

43. SE T650i

44. Apple iPhone

45. SE P1i

46. SE K530i

47. HTC Touch

48. SE K850i

49. SE W910i

50. SE K660i

There!!! 50 phones!! And I did not realize that myself!! N73 was the last Nokia phone I owned. It crashed completely taking away with it a LOT of personal & official stuff & my hatred for Nokia has never decreased since then. If I have to choose a favourite, it has to be Sony Ericsson K750i. It was simply a revolution at the time it came to the market & blew away the competition. The fact that it still sells in abundance after almost 4 years of its introduction speaks volume about its performance. I own a K750i, P1i & a newly acquired K660i now.

So, if you think I am completely out of mind with this habit of mine, well, I don't really care :P

PS : Thanks to for the pics! It's an absolutely reliable site when it comes to reviews of phones. So, if you ever need any guidance, I suggest you head there. Or better yet, ask me :P